Thursday, February 26, 2015

Paper Butterflies in a Frame

Hello! Today I decided to show you guys how to make some cute pop-up butterflies in a frame to put up on your wall! It adds some fun and cuteness to any room!
A frame
X-acto Knife
Scrapbook Paper
Paper Butterflies

Step #1
Tape the paper to your frame, but if you have a wood frame, then just put the paper in as if you were putting in a photo

Step #2
Then, put the paper butterflies in a design that you like and trace them. Make sure there is cardboard underneath ( the butterflies could be patters that you get of the internet, or you could cut them out yourself )
 Step #3
This is my pattern. My butterflies are just kind of flying up.
 All you need to do now is just cut the pattern out, except in the middle where the body is
Step #4
Then you want to tape a piece of paper (any color you like)
and tape  it on top of the scrapbook paper.
Step #5
All you need to do now is fold the butterflies in by the lines of the body, and you are done! Hang it up and enjoy the masterpiece!



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