Thursday, September 10, 2015


Do any of you like donuts? Umm, I do!
This is a fun room accent for a coffee
table/nightstand on a tray because it
does not perish, and you could
customize it easily. Lets make one!

Stuff You Need:
Batting (not in picture)

Cut out 2 circles with a hole in the middle & the icing
 Start sewing a simple edge stich 

 Leave an opening for stuffing the batting!
 Stuff the batting in and close the ring with a simple edge stitch yet again.

 Sew on the icing with a simple edge stitch. Add all the colorful sprinkles with thread sewed in lines.
This could be easily used as a pincushion if you do a lot of DIY's with fabric!

I love this super cool little accents in my room, adds color and a bit of cuteness!
Subscribe with email and comment down below for suggestions!
Thanks for reading, see ya next time!

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