Sunday, September 27, 2015

Earring Trinket Box

I was browsing through a store looking for ways to store my bountiful number of earrings when I saw a small wooden box. I thought, 'maybe I can make it,' and this is how it got on this post. :) 

You can leave space on the side for necklaces or hairpins 

Thank you for visiting!


Saturday, September 26, 2015

DIY Earrings!

Super easy, super fun… how many supers does one need to be convinced to make these SUPER cool earrings?:)

Thanks for stopping by and getting some fun insight into DIY-ing, and I'll see you next time!


Thursday, September 10, 2015


Do any of you like donuts? Umm, I do!
This is a fun room accent for a coffee
table/nightstand on a tray because it
does not perish, and you could
customize it easily. Lets make one!

Stuff You Need:
Batting (not in picture)

Cut out 2 circles with a hole in the middle & the icing
 Start sewing a simple edge stich 

 Leave an opening for stuffing the batting!
 Stuff the batting in and close the ring with a simple edge stitch yet again.

 Sew on the icing with a simple edge stitch. Add all the colorful sprinkles with thread sewed in lines.
This could be easily used as a pincushion if you do a lot of DIY's with fabric!

I love this super cool little accents in my room, adds color and a bit of cuteness!
Subscribe with email and comment down below for suggestions!
Thanks for reading, see ya next time!

DIY Thread Art

If you want something unusual to spice up your room, 
this is wall art for you! 
So easy to make, fast and with a great result, you can't go wrong with this decor piece!

Thick Thread
Wood piece/Canvas
 First things First:
Draw out your design 
You can do shapes like hearts, or a country/state or you can even try words!
 Second Step:
If you are doing this on a wood piece, then hammer in short nails, 
But if you are doing this on a canvas, the push in small brads tracing out your design

 Tie a knot around one of the brads/nails and start 'twisting' the thread around the little posts
Tie another knot to finish and you are done!
This was super fun and easy to create such a beautiful masterpiece, right?
Subscribe with email to find out more fun and easy DIYs and ideas, comment for suggestions and thanks for visiting! See ya next time!

I'm from Ukraine, what country are you from? 


Monday, August 24, 2015

DIY Lip Scrub & Balm

Today I wanted to show you how to make this super easy lip scrub and lip balm.
My lips get dry really fast and its important to scrub off the dead skin and moisturize them!

Lip Scrub:

You will need:
2 tbsp. Sugar
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
1-2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1-3 drops Food Color
Mix all ingredients in a bowl

Pack the mixture tightly into container

Lip Balm
You will need:

1 tbsp. Vaseline
 1 tbsp. Honey
1-2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
2-4 drops Food Color

Put all ingredients into a microwave safe bowl and melt all the ingredients in increments until it has a runny texture

Add the food coloring and keep mixing it all together until well
Pour into container and wait till cools before using it.

This is a great idea for a little gift since it works really well, smells really good and tastes pretty well!

I hope you try this out and enjoy your day:)