Monday, August 24, 2015

DIY Lip Scrub & Balm

Today I wanted to show you how to make this super easy lip scrub and lip balm.
My lips get dry really fast and its important to scrub off the dead skin and moisturize them!

Lip Scrub:

You will need:
2 tbsp. Sugar
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
1-2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1-3 drops Food Color
Mix all ingredients in a bowl

Pack the mixture tightly into container

Lip Balm
You will need:

1 tbsp. Vaseline
 1 tbsp. Honey
1-2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
2-4 drops Food Color

Put all ingredients into a microwave safe bowl and melt all the ingredients in increments until it has a runny texture

Add the food coloring and keep mixing it all together until well
Pour into container and wait till cools before using it.

This is a great idea for a little gift since it works really well, smells really good and tastes pretty well!

I hope you try this out and enjoy your day:)


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