Monday, November 10, 2014

Collage Notebooks

 Hey guys! Here in this tutorial I will show you how to make a collaged notebook! It is very simple, cute and easy, so Enjoy!

 ModPodge or liquid glue                                                                              

Step 1

Spill some ModPodge or liquid glue on to the notebook and spread it all over the notebook with a thick brush. You might want to protect your surface with some paper. 

                                                                            Step 2
Next, lay down the paper on the notebook piece by piece, and after putting on down you need to cover                            
                                                                   the piece in glue.
Step 3
After you pasted every piece down to cover the whole notebook, you need to cover the notebook in a couple coats of glue to seal everything. 
Step 4 
After the notebook is completely dry, you need to trim the edge. You can do this with scissors or an exacto knife. I flipped the notebook on its back and I used an exacto knife to trim it. 
                                                                          Ta Daa!
You are finished! You can make this completely personalized, or you can do this based on a theme! You can make this in any color scheme or design, squares, circles, scraps, its all up to you. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and I'll talk to you later.
                                                                    Before & After

 ~ Joy

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